Monday, January 15, 2007

"Dude, you've got alot of stuff going on right now" - TJ

Last semester we switched things up a bit with fundraising and planning.
Overall, we had a small number of dedicated individuals who took smaller projects under their wing. Our 3 main fundraisers were:

1. Sponsor a Book - which began early in 2006 as we prepared for our trip to Ghana. We revised the project for our Tanzania trip. It ended up that we set up tables in Shriver and collected donations in increments of $2, the approximate cost of one primary school textbook in Africa. In addition we collected email addresses of our donors so that they will be kept up to date about ASAP's accomplishments.

2. Calendars - With a collection of pictures from Christopher Zeek's 2006 Tanzania trip, we created a calendar and had it printed free of charge in Dayton with ComDoc Corporation. Thanks to Matt, ASAP's former VP, we were able to allow this idea to come to fruition. Calendars sold/are being sold for $10, all proceeds going to ASAP in 2007.

3. Kona Bistro - Our 3 older wiser ASAPers: Lora, TJ, and Matt offered to be guest bartenders during one of Kona's "wednesday philanthropy night" deals. We raised money from the bar and restaurant tips, and were able to generate interest in a completely new way: out in the community at large. I personally think this is a fantastic fundraiser in terms of fun, friends, and informality and ease of completion. In other words, lets do it again!!!

Moving on but not forgetting our projects in Ghana, we have decided to Teach in Tanzania from May 12-June 12, 2007. Twelve Miami students (not all ASAP affiliated) have decided to participate in this summer program, and I could not be more thrilled with the progress we have made. These students are currently enrolled in an EDL course at Miami named "Teaching in Tanzania" in which they each independently learn skills to supplement their ability to teach english in a non-english speaking country such as Tanzania. With the help of professors, students, and graduate students, I have put together 15 sessions to help this independent adventure. For more information about this curriculum or ways to set up such a course, email or contact the Office of Continuing Education at Miami University via their website

With megafair and elections coming up in the next few weeks, I hope to have updates as to who will be ushering in the new wave of ASAP news. Thank you for your interest.

Meredith Poff
ASAP President

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