Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Almost the end of the summer! Guess its time to put up some pictures from the trip to Ghana - which was amazing and I only wish everyone could have been there with Tanesha and I.

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This picture is from Mole National Park...yes we were THAT close to the elephants.

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Our guide had a gun, just in case the elephant charged, and i thought it would look like one of those ads against killing elephants for ivory if the gun was in front. It almost turned out as planned...

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Green monkeys, babboons, pumba...all running amok

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Chare village

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more elephants!!! just to make things interesting

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Gail with someone from Chare.

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The head guy at Sunta Nunnta...wearing a smock that is very traditional garb for the North. This was an agricultural commune, which also had a pre-school that I completely fell in love with. It has alot of potential....

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Thats all for now, more to come!

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